26 Secrets (A to Z) Of Winning in Your Finances and the Capital Market in 2009

A-ascertain your financial state

-Access the financial state for 2008, how much do you make from your investment in 2008.

-Acknowledge your mistakes in playing the market in 2008

B-believe you can make it big in the stocks market. Believe you can make 1000%retuns and more. Believe your can become wealthy by trading and holding stocks in the capital market. Believe that you can still pay all your debt and be make money.

C-cut away all unnecessary expenses in your finance and transfer to your investment like your stocks and shares.

Confess your lack of knowledge on some stocks to expert that can help you. Confess your financial diabetes to financial doctors

D- Desire and determine to make it big in the capital market in 2009. remember he that desire does not retire to acquire his desire.discipline your self to make money by reading money matters magazine and attending their seminars regularly to acquire skills to play market in 2009.defend your finance by protecting against Parkinson’s law which states expenses rises with income. The more you are able to fight and work against that law the richer you become in life. By force disobey Parkinson law because disobedience is the beginning of wealth accumulation.

E-expand your knowledge of finance and capital market consciously because the knowledge of how to be successful is more than n success itself.

F- Fight debt and all its family members in your finance. Fix all loopholes in your investment portfolio and find better alternatives which will better your investment. This can only be done by going for continual financial education development.

G-go for gold in 2009

H- Hire expert where necessary. if there is personal financial doctor or an investment analyst you can pay to analyze some few investment and stocks for you it will be better than just depending on heresy.

I- invest in asset in 2009 and not liabilities. By this I mean that asset is anything that brings you money while liability is anything that takes money away from you and even ask for more.

J-join by force at least one investment club that you know will move you forward financial in 2009.in the investment club you will be taught about your finances and investment in capital market.

k-keep record of all your money you make and the one that flows out of your hand by 2009.keep a standard record of all your investment in stocks.make sure you get all contract notes, share certificate,dividend warrant and all necessary documents.

L- Learn from experts. The word KNOWLEDGE consist of two words mainly, that is KNOW L EDGE. Everything you know will always give you an edge over your counterparts. Pay any amount to learn what you need to succeed. Knowledge of how to succeed is more important than success itself. List your financial plans for 2009.list other legal sources of income which you can make money from which will boost your finance. You have learnt about four stream of income. List the stocks you will buy in 2009 at least 50 and screen it to 5 as your ability can carry you.

M-make up your mind to make it in 2009.if it takes determination to succeed then is ready to determine that determination.MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU STILL HAVE ENERGY, IN YOUR EARNING PERIOD, FOR YOUR RESTING PERIOD COMES WHEN NO MAN CAN MAKE MONEY. Do you know that our lives are divided into 3 stages? Learning period (age 0 to 25), earning period (age 25 to 50 or 60), resting period (age 65 till death separate you from the earth).

N- No to all friends that will not move you forward financial in 2009.no all “office I OWE YOU”, BUY liability of what you don’t need and pay little by little.

O-obey the law of wealth accumulation by saving 10% of all your income in 2009.savings is first step in the temple of wealth. What you save will safe you and what you keep will keep you. Save in form of investment in stocks and shares

P- Purchase all MONEY WISE MAGAZINES FOR 2009 and other financial magazine.

Q-question the importance of every expense

R- Run your finance. Be the CEO of your investment

S-sell all the assets you don’t need but you bought them because you just want them and for about two years you have not touch it,in fact it is still in the rapper you bought it with.

T- Time your inflow of money and portfolios investment. Divide every thing into quarters.Time how much money you must make; in the first quarter, 2nd quarter and so on like a goal setting. Make use of quarter result to make your investment decisions in stocks.

U-use all available resources to reach your goal that is there should be no waste of resources.

W-wealth accumulation principles you apply in 2009 will make you a principal. Use them.

x-x-ray all your plans before the all mighty God as you approach the new year so that he can help you.

Y-yield to what God lay upon your mind after praying to him. God spoke to me about intercontinental bank when it was still N5 and I bought a lot of units and sell when it was N15.

Z- Zip up all your plans in a book. Research shows that only 3% of ad

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